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Neuron DDSBot

You can check the source code from DDSBot repository


Swarm robots using Opensplice DDS with ROS 1&2
[Official Slides]
[Youtube Video]
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Developer & Team

HaoChih Lin (
Chester Tseng (
Erik Boasson (
Ryan Chen (

ADLINK Technology, Inc
Advanced Robotic Platform Group

Software Architecture

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Hardware Architecture

alt text Build your own low-cost ddsbot (~250USD)
[Assembling PDF] adlink_ddsbot/document/hardware/adlink_ddsbot_hardware.pdf

[Arduino firmware]
For UNO (motor control): adlink_ddsbot/document/arduino/motor_control/motor_control.ino For Nano (GY85 IMU): adlink_ddsbot/document/arduino/Razor_AHRS/Razor_AHRS.ino


System prerequisite


Simulation (stage, two computers)

  1. Check the hostname (should be unique in the network)
  2. Check the system time synchronization ($ sudo ntpdate IP_TARGET)
  3. Open a terminal (remember to source ros2 & ros1 setup.bash)
  4. $ export HOSTNAME
  5. $ roslaunch adlink_ddsbot Swarm_Sim_Stage.launch
  6. $ ros2 run ros1_bridge parameter_bridge
  7. Repeat the same steps on another computer/robot (both should be in the same network)
  8. Then, each robot can be aware of all the others shown on the rviz.

Real robot (raspberryPi3)

[Image files] Download pre-built image for Pi3 (ubuntu mate 16.04, ros 1&2, 13GB)
Extract the file from .gz file: $ gunzip -c ADLINK_DDSBot_Pi3_20171002.img.gz > ADLINK_DDSBot_Pi3_20171002.img Burn image file to SD card

[Setup steps]

  1. Connect Pi3 with your desktop by either ethernet cable or debug cable
  2. Power-on and login: (passward is: adlinkros)
  3. hdmi display: you can see the ADLink logo on the desktop
  4. ethernet: the default id address of provided image is ($ ssh pi@
  5. debug cable: enter the password
  6. Change robot's hostname and connect to local network
  7. Synchronize the system time through AP server/specific computer ($ sudo ntpdate IP_ADDRESS)
  8. Change the ROS 1 multi-machines variables in .bashrc (for each robot, it has own roscore)
  9. For Single robot test: $ roslaunch adlink_ddsbot Adlink_DDSBot_Nav_Single.launch
  10. For Swarm robots demo:
  11. $ roslaunch adlink_ddsbot Adlink_DDSBot_Nav_Swarm.launch
  12. $ ros2 run ros1_bridge parameter_bridge
  13. Using remote computer to initial & set goal for the ddsbot through RVIZ
  14. Do the same thing on another ddsbots (in the same network), once the ros1_bridge has been executed, all others ddsbots can be visualized on RVIZ.

[Node Graph]

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Apache 2.0
Copyright 2017 ADLINK Technology, Inc.